Friday, August 1, 2008


less-paul, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

I can not stress. that everyone should spend sometime with a band on tour. It was the most fun I've had on a shoot in a wile. Also the most hard work I've done since I didn't have a bed to my name...

watching old music videos with the band... and just talking about music and Life where my favorite things. to shoot a Banquet in LA to a larger Vegas stage, to a state fair out side stage performance. was a great experience.

at the end we Raided a Taco bell and our talent couldn't eat one of his burritos and gave it to us. as he walked out.. a girl with his name painted on her face walked in right past him. didn't recognize him at all. before we left we gave her and her friend his burrito and told them that they almost bumped right into him.

the last night I was acully looking forward to sleeping on the bus... only got about an hour and a half of sleep when I woke It hurt. dropped off in a daze we loaded my car and the bus took off... and then my car didn't start. me and the director where exhausted. Beaten and bruised from havening a 30 pound monkey on our backs. Bitten from all the bugs in the stream. Broken just from the mental strain of 3 cameras 4 lights 16 battery's and only 2 people to run it. We where trying to push my car up hill to pop the clutch and not getting it... here at 5:30 in the morning is where Im glad I have friends I can Call on at any time. I call Steve Forner and he goes through popping the Clutch with me just as his phone dies...We push the car through a 3 point turn and try it again down hill and we finally get it going... just great Icing on the cake for a hard shoot...

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