Sunday, August 31, 2008

Appearance of a Man

"The Appearance of a Man"

US premiere at the SAN DIEGO FILM FEST 2008
***Screening Thurs Sept 25th & Fri Sept 26th***

Directed by Daniel Pace
Shot by Daniel Pace and Vincent Pascoe

http://www. theappearanceofaman. com/

Friday, August 29, 2008

I cant live with out her.

I cant live with out her., originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

Meet Jill my GPS. New Orleans to Park city she gets around. Highey Recomended to anyone in the production world, great for location scouting. If your car spends much time in the sun the dash mount is a good Idea. "Whos that in the background?" love the voice turn by turn directions but I have no problem with a women telling me how to drive, explanien a womens voice in your car to your parents or jellous girlfreind is another thing.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the softer side of Vincent Pascoe

Growing A Dream from Dan Sturm on Vimeo.

finlly with help from Dan Stern got on Vimeo. Directed by Frank Kralic... Shot by me...Kids and Animals! an hour and a half just on the lady bug shot...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Stabing Stupidity Online

Directed By Paul Denegis... Honorable mention at the dances with films Festival.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

reaching for the light

reaching for the light2, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

If one painter can create art, what happens if two painters work together? Collaborative art is the most difficult and for me the most rewarding...taking an Idea from one person and making it better then they ever imagined themselves is when I feel I'm really doing my job. the best part is that your not alone and together you feel you can take on anything.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

FWD:We are not our stuff.

FWD:We are not our stuff., originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

Our stuff dosent define us. it is not what we own but how we own it. We dont have to be controled by what we possess. Im working to stop fearing what I have and try to foucus on the life im createing. thank you to everyone that helped make this photo possible.

Friday, August 15, 2008

the truth of light

0813081842.jpg, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

The truth stings like the hard morning sunlight. Its that pain that sets you free when you finally see the light.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Seseme ginger marinaded Halibut summer salad

Halibut summer salad, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

No that will never work, though words never stopped me before. Halibut? in a salad? why not put it on the side? what about frying it? what about salmon? No I said, I already bought the halibut and needed to make a salad. I asked every old lady in Costco, the workers in Safeway, and made a few calls. No one thought it was possible, but I did it anyway. I wondered what they would have told me if I told them the truth was I wanted to put fish and fruit together in a salad...

2/3 pound fresh halibut fillet
Fresh ground pepper
1 tsp thyme
6 springs fresh dill
1/4 cup Olive oil
1 tbs of sesame seed oil
1/2 cup Safeway sesame ginger salad dressing

Salad spring mix from
1 cup fresh sliced strawberry
1 cup blueberry
1/2 a cucumber
Cranberry balsamic vinaigrette
1/2 cup candied wallnuts

serves 2

Mix olive oil and whole halibut fillet, pepper, Dill, thyme, and seseme dressing coat both sides and let sit in refrigerator for at least 15 min

mix strawberries, blue Berry's, cucumber, wallnuts and spring salad mix.

heat 1 tbs of Olive oil in pan
remove fish from marinade cook for 4 minutes each side
remove halibut from heat let sit 5 min then slice into pieces and put on top of salad.
add salad dressing to taste

I believe cooking can be very creative especially when everyone thinking what your doing is impossible...

oh wait how does it taste... well I give it 4 out of 5 stars a nice light summer salad the halibut a good complement to the salad.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A few of my favorite things.

Watch out ur camera! the tallent yells as my camera dashes across the riverrock and into the water. Dont worry about it. I say as i have a deathgrip on the mac book Pro im holding over the water.
Olympus 850sw. waterproof shockproof (ie vinnie proof for u who know me) camera. Hours of fun can be had with this camera a pool and some freinds. also the pamaramic mode is great in camera tracking. downsides is only 3X zoom. and smaler screen then a lot other cameras. of course thoughs cameras would have never made it a week with me. well worth the extra cash, brought me lots of joy.

spec I shot out in Joshua tree

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Directed By Haviar. love to know what you think... Great location highly recomend it...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jumping in.3g2

Jumping in.3g2, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

theres something about slow motion and macro shots that make me very happy... its like your looking at the world with different eyes. Exploring what you cant normally see. Creating a new world instead of just capturing it... OK it just makes me giddy to watch. Shot AND edited on my new phone the LG Dare...

The firestarter.3g2

The firestarter.3g2, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

120fps...not shot on red...but on my new cell phone! crAzy cool... slow motion for me.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Drawing01.jpg, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

Its amazing what crap techology can bring you. This I bloged from my new phone through a txt .then Verizons email. flickr....then to my blog...all that just to send my caveman drawing out...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Busy as a

P1010007, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.


things that help...

Friday, August 1, 2008


less-paul, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

I can not stress. that everyone should spend sometime with a band on tour. It was the most fun I've had on a shoot in a wile. Also the most hard work I've done since I didn't have a bed to my name...

watching old music videos with the band... and just talking about music and Life where my favorite things. to shoot a Banquet in LA to a larger Vegas stage, to a state fair out side stage performance. was a great experience.

at the end we Raided a Taco bell and our talent couldn't eat one of his burritos and gave it to us. as he walked out.. a girl with his name painted on her face walked in right past him. didn't recognize him at all. before we left we gave her and her friend his burrito and told them that they almost bumped right into him.

the last night I was acully looking forward to sleeping on the bus... only got about an hour and a half of sleep when I woke It hurt. dropped off in a daze we loaded my car and the bus took off... and then my car didn't start. me and the director where exhausted. Beaten and bruised from havening a 30 pound monkey on our backs. Bitten from all the bugs in the stream. Broken just from the mental strain of 3 cameras 4 lights 16 battery's and only 2 people to run it. We where trying to push my car up hill to pop the clutch and not getting it... here at 5:30 in the morning is where Im glad I have friends I can Call on at any time. I call Steve Forner and he goes through popping the Clutch with me just as his phone dies...We push the car through a 3 point turn and try it again down hill and we finally get it going... just great Icing on the cake for a hard shoot...

Faceing myself

Faceing myself, originally uploaded by vincent pascoe.

I'll wake you in the morning...the director says...right before I go to sleep..

I have a dream where driving down a bumpy dirt desert road... I get shaken and think its the director waking me.." I'm up! I'm up!" I yell/ I look around and don't see him ..I discover I'm not on the shaky tour bus instead alone in my room. yet the room is stil shaking. the walls bow back and forth.... I realize im in my first Earthquake..

5.8 on the Rickter scale... But everythings fine not a single picture fell from my wall... go to a post house that day and the power goes off... what can a bunch of editors do with out power.... "make me a Mohito" one girl says. as Firetrucks and ambulances can be herd in the background...